The Role of Parents in Kids Orthodontics: Understanding Investment and Care

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As a parent, you want your children to lead their best lives, which includes a healthy, beautiful smile. However, they don’t make an instruction manual for how to get your kiddo through orthodontic treatment! Have no fear; we at Greg Brown Orthodontics are experts in kids orthodontics. Today, we will explore the role of parents in managing and supporting their children’s orthodontic care, including understanding the investment involved and providing proper care during treatment.

Understanding the Need for Kids Orthodontics Treatments:

kids orthodontics treatment at Greg Brown Orthodontics

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends visiting an orthodontist by the age of seven. By this age, most children have a mix of their baby (primary) teeth and adult (permanent) teeth. This makes it the perfect age to diagnose and correct tooth or jaw problems. 

So, if you have a family history of oral health issues or you’ve noticed that something is off with your children’s teeth, jaws, or oral health, getting in for an appointment at this age is critical. Even if you don’t notice something obvious, an exam may reveal potential concerns that are not yet apparent. 

The most common orthodontic issues we see in children are overcrowding, misalignment, narrow palates, and bite problems. To identify these problems, we evaluate for:

  • Thumb, pacifier, or other oral habits
  • Misplaced or crowded teeth
  • Difficulty chewing or eating
  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • Mouth breathing
  • Teeth grinding
  • Snoring
  • Feeling unrested and/or difficulty concentrating during the day due to restless sleep
  • A jaw that is not proportionate to the rest of the face
  • Teeth that come together abnormally
  • A jaw that pops or makes sounds when opening and closing.

Once we’ve identified any potential concerns, we can work together to develop a treatment plan that sets your child on the right course for superior oral health. 

Understanding the Investment Related to Orthodontic Treatment:

As a parent, the cost of your child’s orthodontic treatment is likely your responsibility, and it is worth every penny. However, we understand that the investment is a considerable factor in your decision. Therefore, we suggest sitting down with your orthodontic team to break down the costs associated with different treatments available to your child, such as traditional braces or clear aligners

Then, we recommend going over the various payment options available to you. For example, if you have dental insurance, it may contribute toward the treatment plan! Alternatively, you may want to consider an in-house payment plan. For example, at Greg Brown Orthodontics, we offer kids orthodontics payment plans for as little as $500 as an initial investment and spread payments over the entire length of your treatment to achieve a low monthly amount.

Discussing these factors before treatment can help relieve some of the stress and help you pave a financially savvy path to achieve the best results for your child. 

The Role of Parents in Orthodontic Care:

parent accompanying her kid to the dentist clinic at Greg Brown Orthodontics

As a parent, your job is to bring your kiddo into our office for their first appointment! We’ll take it from there and come up with an amazing treatment plan and walk you and your child through all of the steps.

First, it’s always a good idea to learn about the treatment recommended to your child and ask any questions you may have when you meet us. By being knowledgeable about the topic and involved in the process, you can, in turn, explain to your children in a way you know they will best understand – which leads us to our second suggestion. 

Second, we highly recommend taking the time to sit down with your child and communicate the benefits and challenges they can expect with their orthodontic care. Setting realistic expectations and addressing any concerns your child may have is vital. For example, even though we are experts in kids orthodontics who provide service as gently as possible, children should expect some minor discomfort, especially during the first couple of weeks of their treatment plan. By helping your kiddo understand what their treatment will look like, you can help to eliminate some of the stress and fear. 

Lastly, we suggest learning and actively supporting your child throughout their orthodontic treatment, including proper care during the treatment and how to manage potential problems. 

Providing Proper Care During Treatment:

As a parent, one of the best things you can do for your child’s treatment is to help them learn, perform, and maintain their oral health. 

Especially when children are younger, but even as teenagers, maintaining oral health with braces will be different than what they are used to. You may need to assist or advise them on effectively flossing and brushing their teeth using orthodontic-friendly products. 

Additionally, you will want to help them with their dietary guidelines, including which foods they must avoid to prevent damage to their orthodontic appliances. This may include writing a list of “No-Go” foods they can keep in their backpack or packing braces-friendly lunches for school. 

Managing Discomfort and Emergencies:

It is very common for patients to experience some minor discomfort throughout orthodontic treatment, primarily during the initial adjustment period.

First, we advise encouraging your children to ease the discomfort by eating soft foods, using orthodontic wax, and reminding them that the pain will fade as their mouth adjusts. 

Second, it is important to be prepared for orthodontic comfort concerns. You can most commonly expect to see a loose or broken bracket or wire, missing rubber bands, or a broken retainer. In these cases, you will want to minimize the discomfort and make an appointment to get it fixed. 

your expert team in kids orthodontics from Greg Brown Orthodontics

Rare emergencies could include swallowing a piece of the appliance, external trauma to the mouth, or even an infection. We suggest discussing the potential problems with your orthodontist and what course of action you should take – making an emergency orthodontic appointment or taking a trip to the ER. By being aware of the appropriate course of action, you can rest assured that your kiddo will receive the best care. 

Long-Term Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment:

By choosing to explore kids orthodontic treatments early, you are setting your child up for oral health success. Not only are you preventing future dental issues and improving their oral health, but you are enhancing the aesthetics of their smile, which can lead to greater self-confidence and success in life. 

Ensure your child receives the best orthodontic care. Contact Greg Brown Orthodontics today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our kids orthodontic treatments.