Treatment Options For Teens

At Greg Brown Orthodontics, we understand that having a confident smile is essential during the teenage years. That's why we offer expert orthodontic treatment for adolescents with our braces and Invisalign®. Every teenager wants to know how long they will be in braces, and we understand the desire for quick treatment. Our team will help you achieve the best results in the shortest time possible.

adolescent orthodontics service from Greg Brown Orthodontics

Invest in Your Teen's Smile

We encourage early treatment as it allows the orthodontist to monitor the growth of the jaw and recommend further orthodontic treatment if necessary. Some patients may need early treatment, while others may wait for all of their adult teeth before starting treatment. The amount of time you are in treatment depends on patient’s unique needs and goals, and the complexity of treatment needed to correct the problem. Some patients may only need slight adjustments and may be in treatment for less than 12 months, while others may require more extensive treatment that could take 24 months or longer. Treatment time also depends on each individual; some patients may respond more quickly to treatment than others. 

Our goal is always excellence, and we will work with you to determine the best treatment plan for you. 

The Benefits of Adolescent Treatment Services

Orthodontic treatment during your teenage years offers several benefits, including a healthier mouth and improved self-esteem. Proper alignment of teeth can reduce the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and jaw problems, which can improve overall oral health. Straight teeth can also boost self-confidence and improve quality of life. With our advanced technology, we are able to provide a comfortable and efficient orthodontic experience for our teenage patients. Our teen treatment options are designed to fit the unique needs of teenagers and help you achieve a beautiful and confident smile.

At Greg Brown Orthodontics, we are dedicated to providing exceptional orthodontic care for teens. Our team is committed to making the orthodontic experience as fun and stress-free as possible. Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation and give your teenager the gift of a lifetime – a confident smile!

dentist perform adolescent treatment to patient Greg Brown Orthodontics
sample of braces Greg Brown Orthodontics
orthodontic appliance by Greg Brown Orthodontics
braces Greg Brown Orthodontics